RESPİRATUVAR VE KARDİYAK ARREST SONRASI NÖROLOJİK İYİLEŞME GÖZLENEN TRANSVERS MYELİT OLGUSUDuygu GELER-KÜLCÜ 1, Güneş YAVUZER 21 Yeditepe University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation, Istanbul, Turkey 2 Ankara University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Ankara, TurkeyDOI: Sayfalar: 115 - 116 8560 kere görüntülendi.
Transvers Myelit: Bir Olgu SunumuCemile Sevgi Polat, Asuman Doğan, Belma Füsun Köseoğlu, Mahir Kemal TaşkınAnkara Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Education and Research Hospital, Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Ankara, TurkeyDOI: Sayfalar: 58 - 61 5038 kere görüntülendi.